New Data Breach Response Tool

Security expert Jim Vandyke has recently rolled out a new data breach response tool called breach clarity – to help people by demystifying how any new data breach creates identity-holder risk of identity theft, identity fraud, and other harms.

Jim Vandyke states, “My goal in creating Breach Clarity is to move past the myths and victim-blaming (for instance, my research finds that very few people are actually ‘apathetic’ or ‘lazy’ when it comes to security, and it’s simply not true that ‘everyone’s data is all already out there’ for any cyber-criminal who wants to commit fraud in another person’s name).”

How Does It Work?

Navigate over to and simply enter a name of any data breach you were involved in. (i.e. ‘Equifax’, ‘Yahoo’, ‘Anthem’, etc) , Then simply click the green search button. The database includes every publicly recorded data breach since 2017 and even includes some earlier major breaches. The tool gives you insight on the breach and ‘next step’ actions you should take to protect yourself.

You can read more about breachclarity in this slashdot article